NHL Stenden Hogeschool | International Teacher Education (primary & secondary schools)
Standnummer #331
NHL Stenden Hogeschool | International Teacher Education (ITE)
Become a World-class teacher with ITEps or ITEss
If you have a passion for teaching and you are open to new cultures, teaching abroad may suit you. International Teacher Education for Primary Schools (ITEps) and International Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (ITEss) prepare you for a career in the growing market of international schools.
Throughout the programme, you are exposed to different international educational approaches and are encouraged to engage in comparative analysis. You will have several periods of teaching practice in international schools, both locally and abroad.
ITEps is the first full Bachelor programme which trains students to become teachers in international schools. Once you have completed your four year programme, you will be awarded a Bachelor International Education for Primary Schools degree.
ITEss is a new bachelor programme designed in the Netherlands. The programme structure is similar to that of ITEps. In this special setting, students are trained to become successful teachers at international secondary schools.
Reasons to choose ITE
✔ The number of international schools in the world is increasing rapidly
✔ Huge demand for well-qualified teachers in international education
✔ Professional specialists from several countries will teach you to be a world-class teacher
✔ You will learn to use the English language proficiently and professionally
Competencies ITE
During the ITE programmes you will develop competencies in the following areas:
Intercultural and interpersonal relations, Pedagogy,
Subject knowledge, Organisation, Communication,
Collaboration, Reflection and Development
ITEps is offered jointly by:
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences – Netherlands and University College of Southeast Norway - Norway
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